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Protect the Water Source

Elven Hierarch Asterios is concerned that the Mother Tree of the village is being contaminated. He asks you to go to the lake, which is the water source, north of the village to investigate the cause of the contamination.


  1. Talk with Hierarch Asterios. He gives you a
    Hyacinth Charm
  2. Hunt Quest Monster Plague Zombie until you get a
    Plague Dust
    . The zombies are only in one spot - the head of the river to the northwest of the village.
  3. Return to Hierarch Asterios. He confirms the dust in the poison, and send you to get 5 more to study.
  4. Return the 5 dusts and the charm to Hierarch Asterios, for
    Ring of Anguish

Steps from the game client

  1. Step 1
    Elven Hierarch Asterios is concerned that the Mother Tree of the village is being contaminated. He asks you to go to the lake, which is the water source, north of the village to investigate the cause of the contamination.
Quest Facts
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