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Protect the Water Source

Someone has intentionally poisoned the water supply of Elven Village! Hierarch Asterios is seeking a young volunteer to find and destroy this evil-doer to save the Mother Tree!


  1. Talk with Hierarch Asterios. He gives you a
    Icon Item Hyacinth Charm
    Hyacinth Charm
  2. Hunt Quest Monster Plague Zombie until you get a
    Icon Item Plague Dust
    Plague Dust
    . The zombies are only in one spot - the head of the river to the northwest of the village.
  3. Return to Hierarch Asterios. He confirms the dust in the poison, and send you to get 5 more to study.
  4. Return the 5 dusts and the charm to Hierarch Asterios, for
    Icon Item Adena
    . By l2hub

Steps from the game client

  1. In Search of the Source of Pollution
    Elven Hierarch Asterios is concerned that the Mother Tree of the village is being contaminated. He asks you to visit its water source, the lake north of the village. Destroy the cause of the contamination, the plague zombies.
    Icon Item Plague Dust
    Plague Dust
  2. Suspicious Corpse
    You've obtained plague dust from a suspicious looking zombie. Could this be what Hierarch Asterios was talking about? Take it to him.
  3. Ingredients for Purification Magic
    It was a plague zombie, the spirit of a person who died from the plague. The dust from the zombie's flesh has been the cause of the contamination. A large amount of the dust is needed to perform a purification ritual. Hunt the plague zombies.
    Icon Item Plague Dust
    Plague Dust
  4. Return to Hierarch Asterios
    You've obtained enough plague dust for the purification ritual. Deliver it to Hierarch Asterios.
Quest Facts
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