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Gludin Harbor

Location Facts
  • Level: null - null
Boat Ticket: Gludin to Talking IslandBoat Ticket: Gludin to Talking Island2 400
Boat Ticket: Gludin to RuneBoat Ticket: Gludin to Rune6 000
Green Colored Lure - For BeginnersGreen Colored Lure - For Beginners60
Purple Colored Lure - For BeginnersPurple Colored Lure - For Beginners84
Yellow Colored Lure - For BeginnersYellow Colored Lure - For Beginners72
Green Colored Lure Green Colored Lure 144
Purple Colored LurePurple Colored Lure216
Yellow Colored LureYellow Colored Lure180
Green Luminous LureGreen Luminous Lure144
Purple Luminous LurePurple Luminous Lure216
Yellow Luminous LureYellow Luminous Lure180
Prize-Winning Fishing LurePrize-Winning Fishing Lure288
Prize-Winning Night Fishing LurePrize-Winning Night Fishing Lure288
Prize-Winning Novice Fishing LurePrize-Winning Novice Fishing Lure120
Baby Duck RodBaby Duck Rod36 000
Albatross RodAlbatross Rod120 000
Pelican RodPelican Rod480 000
KingFisher RodKingFisher Rod1 440 000
Cygnus PoleCygnus Pole4 800 000
Triton PoleTriton Pole12 000 000
Fishing ManualFishing Manual120
Fisherman's Potion - GreenFisherman's Potion - Green6 000
Fisherman's Potion - JadeFisherman's Potion - Jade6 000
Fisherman's Potion - BlueFisherman's Potion - Blue6 000
Fisherman's Potion - YellowFisherman's Potion - Yellow6 000
Fisherman's Potion - OrangeFisherman's Potion - Orange6 000
Fisherman's Potion - PurpleFisherman's Potion - Purple6 000
Fisherman's Potion - RedFisherman's Potion - Red6 000
Fisherman's Potion - WhiteFisherman's Potion - White6 000
Fishing PotionFishing Potion6 000