| Boat Ticket: Gludin to Talking Island | | 6 000 |
 | Boat Ticket: Gludin to Rune | | 6 000 |
 | Green Colored Lure - For Beginners | | 60 |
 | Purple Colored Lure - For Beginners | | 84 |
 | Yellow Colored Lure - For Beginners | | 72 |
 | Green Colored Lure | | 144 |
 | Purple Colored Lure | | 216 |
 | Yellow Colored Lure | | 180 |
 | Green Luminous Lure | | 144 |
 | Purple Luminous Lure | | 216 |
 | Yellow Luminous Lure | | 180 |
 | Prize-Winning Fishing Lure | | 288 |
 | Prize-Winning Night Fishing Lure | | 288 |
 | Prize-Winning Novice Fishing Lure | | 120 |
 | Baby Duck Rod | | 36 000 |
 | Albatross Rod | | 120 000 |
 | Pelican Rod | | 480 000 |
 | KingFisher Rod | | 1 440 000 |
 | Cygnus Pole | | 4 800 000 |
 | Triton Pole | | 12 000 000 |
 | Fishing Manual | | 120 |
 | Fisherman's Potion - Green | | 6 000 |
 | Fisherman's Potion - Jade | | 6 000 |
 | Fisherman's Potion - Blue | | 6 000 |
 | Fisherman's Potion - Yellow | | 6 000 |
 | Fisherman's Potion - Orange | | 6 000 |
 | Fisherman's Potion - Purple | | 6 000 |
 | Fisherman's Potion - Red | | 6 000 |
 | Fisherman's Potion - White | | 6 000 |
 | Fishing Potion | | 6 000 |