| Adena | |
 | Cestus | |
 | Silver Nugget | |
 | Thread | |
 | Recipe: Synthetic Cokes | |
 | Magic Haste Potion | |
 | Shining Knife | |
 | Throwing Knife | |
 | Iron Ore | |
 | Coal | |
 | Charcoal | |
 | Animal Bone | |
 | Animal Skin | |
 | Recipe: Hard Leather Gaiters | |
 | Recipe: Greater Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package(100%) | |
 | Antidote | |
 | Long Sword | |
 | Sword of Reflection | |
 | Sword of Reflection Blade | |
 | Sword of Watershadow | |
 | Stem | |
 | Varnish | |
 | Suede | |
 | Recipe: Spiritshot (D) Compressed Package (100%) | |
 | Journeyman's Staff | |
 | Bone Club | |
 | Cat's Eye Earring | |
 | Necklace of Wisdom | |
 | Necklace of Wisdom Chain | |
 | Ring of Wisdom | |
 | Leather | |
 | Recipe: High Grade Suede | |
 | Tunic of Devotion | |
 | Stockings of Devotion | |
 | Potion of Alacrity | |
 | Cursed Tunic | |
 | Cursed Stockings | |
 | Bagh-Nakh | |
 | Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Weapon (D) | |
 | Scroll: Enchant Armor (D) | |
 | Scale Shirt | |
 | Steel Bracelet | |
 | Knight's Epaulette | Cloud Mountain Rebel Commander Lvl. 70, Cloud Mountain Decorated Rebel Soldier Lvl. 66, Cloud Mountain Rebel Private Lvl. 65, Cloud Mountain Court Guard Lvl. 62, Cloud Mountain Guard Lvl. 62, Dwarven Gunnery Sergeant Lvl. 66, Control Room Scout Golem Lvl. 64, Guard Guard Lvl. 66, Support Unit Wizard Lvl. 66, Support Unit Healer Lvl. 66, Archer Archer Captain Lvl. 68, Archer Archer Lvl. 66 |
 | Control Room Card | |